The relationship between covid-19 and the 4th industrial revolution

Eli Uzo
4 min readMay 9, 2021

According to Klaus Schwab the author of The Fourth Industrial Revolution book , he describes an industrial revolution as the appearance of “new technologies and novel ways of perceiving the world [that] trigger a profound change in economic and social structures.”

The industrial revolutions

At school most of us learnt that the industrial revolution started and ended with the steam engines and factories changed the landscape of European and American economics and society and this was the only industrial revolution but if analyze carefully we the meaning of the word revolution as per Wikipedia definition “A revolution is a very sharp change made to something. The word comes from Latin, and is related to the word revolutio (which means a turn around)”.

A comparison between the covid-19 statistic and cryptocurrency

The first industrial revolution

Centuries after the discover of fire the humanity understood that some crazy magic device that with less applied force from us can move mountain and thanks to sir Thomas Savery who is consider to be the person who developed the first commercially used steam power engine, that is one of the main reason of the 1st industrial revolution.

The second revolution

The same way the first industrial revolution was only possible because of the discovery of fire the second was the result of the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution was centered on the mass production, Henry ford assembly line, factories and people felt the need to move from the rural areas to the urban areas and nights were too dark once again we the discovered of light bulb, radio and etc.

The third industrial revolution

With the passing of the time humanity started feeling the need to transform the analog devices into digital device with it the discover of internet, the semi-conductor the most affected area were the global communications and energy.

The Covid-19 and the fourth industrial revolution

Since the third industrial revolution we have been on very slow motion evolution as a race (in case there are other races out there) basically we just have being changing the design of all the invention from the third industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution is more about the magic of making the invisible visible by using AR or VR, change the economic and finance culture from a centralized to a more democratic “Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία, dēmokratiā, from dēmos ‘people’ and kratos ‘rule’)” by the use of cryptocurrency, from using the control remote to change the channel on our television or typing with your fingers on our laptop to install a microchip in our brain that can enable to perform these task just by thinking about them, from printing a drawing on the paper to printing a drawing that can be used on daily base we talking about the 3D printing.

Covid-19 boosting effect

The number of users of internet around the world was higher than ever before.

The delivery industry

In Africa the online shop industry was an almost inexistent industry before the covid-19, but in 2020 there is more delivering companies than ever before it is not because people didn’t know how to use the delivering app they just didn’t felt the need to use them but covid-19 came to give some help on this one of the future biggest industry, with covid-19 more people felt the need and were forced to order things online than going out to buy.

The cellphone and AR/AI industry

Most of us don’t understand why Apple, Samsung and other cellphone manufactures are so desperate to give you the best cellphone camera with the resolution and sensor and why there is a race who will develop the most powerful cellphone, in case we decide to share the world with covid-19 we will no longer be able to touch on things and the way will be the use AR (Augmented Reality) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to identify object and people without touch.

The Financial Industry

I bet that fewer years ago you probably didn’t care about cryptocurrency nor stock market, covid-19 came to help boost the killing of fiat money in all of its from main in form of cash (printed money) from use and its value, today most people are looking for ways to save their money from the next crash that most likely will happen because of the global fear.

My final consideration

“Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great” by Niccolò Machiavelli

What I am bout to write might sound stupid but for great cause there is the need of big sacrifice, there is high probabilities that the covid-19 was developed not to kills us but to force us accelerate the evolution of the 4th industrial revolution you have to look at the things that you do now and try remember how you used to do them, it is just like the security camera at the beginning it was a threat to our privacy until one of our family member was attacked and we went back to ask for the security camera back and having security camera everywhere becomes the new normal.

Politics have no relation to morals by Niccolò Machiavelli



Eli Uzo

Mechanical Engineer/Project Planner Engineer /Tech Architect/Photographer/Curious Dude